Arendalsuka 2022

From left: Tin, Erling Dokk Holm, Terje Holsen, Øystein Ringen-Vatnedalen. PS! The matching caps between supervisor and fellow were not inentional.

Tin attended Arendalsuka with the unofficial “NMBU” delegate. On a rare occasion, not as a contributor to any of the segment but just as a spectator. The topics/sessions Tin did engage in, were compulsory residence, academia’s role in regional development, challenges in small/medium-sized municipalities, development in larger cities etc. One key takeaway during Arendalsuka, is not to wear a semi-transparent white shirt when it is humid/rainy outside.

Arendalsuka is a political festival and serves as Norway’s foremost arena for political debate. The unofficial “NMBU” delegate had their residence at Terje and his wife Hild, dishing up multi-generational anecdotes in the heyday of the sailboat-era and their failed transition to steam-engine in Arendal.


CSO - Diagram lecture 4.0


NMBU Graduation Day(s)