17.12 High Praise in Reykjavik
16.12 CSO Livestream
03.12 CSO Wrap-up
22.09 ARKITEKTPRAT Episode 3
01.09 Presentation at Øyepå 2020
18.08 CSO Diagram lecture 2.0
04.08 Hurtigpraksis Year Four
03.08 Sixth Month Hiatus
14.02 Joining a Scientific Network
24.01 Team Peab acquires an Airport project
20.01 OUA London Trip
14.01 CSO Workshop
Hurtigpraksis Year Four
Tin presented, “Year Four” - yet again, the practical and ideological aspects of running an office and his origin story. The focus this year, was the individual in architecture (mennesket i arkitekturen). Sterudkvartalet, Fylkeshuset in Bergen and Horten Havn as a way to exemplify his view on the topic.